Thursday, December 17, 2020

Park fun

This was also something we did last month at the nearby park.  So glad that this park is large enough where we can have our own space and able to social distance.

Charlie is a bit discouraged here.  He still can't quite pull his body weight up yet like his big brother:

Graham has always had really good upper strength.  I'm sure Charlie will get there soon:
Okay, here is Daddy's turn:
Ha ha... Okay, I know I shouldn't be laughing :-P
See what I mean? I should be laughing because this is as far as I got.  And even so, I cheated because the boys helped prop my feet up.  LOL!!!  
Time to wrestle Daddy down to the ground!!!
There's a little bit of space by the park to ride the scooters too.  Here is Graham jumping on his scooter:
And here is Charlie, going down a hill from concrete to grass and back to concrete:
And here is the finale, of Daddy - trying to go down the steps.  This I have to see!
Ha ha!  Okay, I obviously knew what happened :-P

Not long after this, we saw a pair of girls in skateboards that went down the stairs.  Looks like I need to bring my skateboard next time to practice. Although probably not a good time to break any bones or go to the hospital for any emergencies.  The capacity of ICU beds in LA county and the entire Southern California region has dropped to 0% as of today.  That is so scary!!!  This is what I gathered from the news today.  If California were a country, this is how it would be ranked for Covid-19 daily new case counts (based on Johns Hopkins):

1) USA 247,403
2) Brazil 70,574
3) California 53,711
4) UK 25,161
5) India 24,010
6) France 17,720
7) Italy 17,568

OMG. Please stay safe everyone!!!

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