Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Recent happenings

Just the usual chaotic stuff around the house.  Ha ha! Let's start with this photo that Bobby took of me.  This was when I was working on the strawberry tower.  I'm just glad I saved all my limbs while using this electric handsaw.  There were times during this project where I thought that I really needed to be wearing shoes instead of flip-flops.  That's how much confidence I have in myself.  LOL!

Graham and Charlie have been busy with some of the holiday STEM crates.  They actually broke one of the components and after emailing the company a couple of days ago, a new battery pack in arriving soon.  Yay!
I went to pick up some free National Geographic magazines the other day (yes, through the neighborhood App again) and I had to stop by this one restaurant to pick up some goodies.  It was definitely a happy sugary day as I had also picked up some donuts earlier that morning :-D
Another project for the garden:
I don't know why but there was just a need to make some dangling sparkly thingys for the lemon tree :-)
And speaking of sparkly, I decided to also buy some new decorative stars for the window this year.  I might want to put these on the tree next year.  There are 8 different settings on how the light shines/blinks. 8! And of course we just use the simplest - the one that just stays on.  Bobby is too traditional ;-)
As expected, Charlie's heavy pillow/shark already has a tear in it.  If he can just understand that he shouldn't use it like a sledge-hammer.  Boys, I tell you:
I just love these Bird of Paradise flowers!  There are a few more coming up on this plant.  Now I'm debating whether to put this plant in the ground in the front yard vs having it in the pot on the back patio.  Hmmm....
My poor Fuchsia!  I just looked at it today though and the leaves are slowly coming back! So in reality, it is actually looking just a tad better than this photo taken a couple of weeks ago.  Yay!!!
We finally have one orange! I don't know how that is but we do.  This year for some reason our two orange trees have not flowered at all.  I'm so sad.  We had so many oranges last year.  I wonder if I need to fertilize the trees again.  Or give it more water??!  I can never tell what's wrong! Maybe I did put it in shock after being too overly-aggressive with the pruning earlier this year:
The boys and I were out last week and it felt like we were back in Abu Dhabi for a few minutes! There were all these fancy cars on the road. There were 2 Lamborghinis, another 1 or 2 Ferraris, about 6 Porsches, and 1 other fancy one that I can't remember now.  There was another car with its trunk open and it was obvious they were taking photos or videos.  Anyway... show offs!!! :-P
So we scraped the idea of me painting my snail on the side of our street with our house number.  The opportunity came about to have a pro do it (and $30 later).  Supposedly the numbers will be reflective as well so that sold me.  What's funny is I actually saw a nice house number sign along a sidewalk and took a photo of it - thinking I would attempt it.  And then this note/offer shows up at our door! The guy is only half way done here but it's already looking pretty good:
Although, not looking so good are my red potatoes.  I can't stop laughing though just looking at this photo because I actually grew these little itty-bitty baby red potatoes!!! I tried to grow regular russet potatoes and after months of growing, there was nothing! And after a few more months, the red potato plant finally wilted which meant it was time to harvest.  Good thing we don't have to support an entire family on this harvest. LOL!!! 
It's almost like the long bean plant.  Only a few beans at a time, although something has been nibbling on it! And I can't figure out who or what!  At least they are staying away from the kale and cauliflower.  These are doing quite well in this corner.  So far so good at least:
My thumb is also doing better.  I was delivering a pumpkin pie the week after Thanksgiving and I accidentally slammed my finger in the car door.  And thankfully it was only a light slam as that minivan door is already quite heavy!  Well, it didn't take much for it to turn my nail/finger purple.  I wonder how long this will take to grow out :-/
Oh, after seeing the "dust person" that Charlie drew on our tv console, my mother-in-law sent this to me.  I had to laugh when I opened up the package.  Even Graham loved it! :-D
And one last photo... it's always about this hair.  My grandma had always told me to never go to bed with a wet head.  Supposedly you can catch a cold, but I think the real reason is actually getting bed head! 
I've been having to wear a huge headwrap to get it under control when I go out.  I can't wait until gravity actually takes over!

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