Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Recent baking

Seems that a lot of people have been baking during this pandemic.  Well, we still continue to buy frozen chocolate croissants from the store.  These particular ones have to be taken out to rest overnight.  It's been so warm these last few days... look how huge the croissants got by morning! 20 minutes in the oven and TA DA!!! No mess, no fuss :-D
And yes, they are as yummy as the look! Graham and Charlie can definitely vouch for that!

And with this heat, "Pancake" is also very happy.  Just look at how tall and fluffy he got!  Yes, I named my sourdough starter "Pancake" and yes, it is a "he" :-)
Not sure how happy Pancake will be this coming week when I "feed" him as I am running out of regular unbleached flour.  We have tried multiple times at different supermarkets to find flour and still nothing so far.  Bobby did venture out into a different supermarket that we have never been to before and found some whole wheat flour.  Flour no less!!!  Let's see how Pancake feels about that and also the boys when I do bake with this:
I did make some little granola cups - granola minus the chopped walnuts.  Graham doesn't like nuts so I always have to skip those:
They sure look better than they taste!  I think it really needed those nuts.  The granola cups were more chewy than crunchy.  I did dress it up a little bit with yogurt and berries, hence the cup shape:
Graham wasn't too keen after his first one.  Charlie started to lose interest after his 2nd cup.  And I even tried to make them funnier looking!
Well, these cups weren't going to get wasted so into my belly it went.  Ha ha!

Not sure what's next on the baking schedule.  I still have plenty of oats left, so maybe some oatmeal chocolate chip cookies.  I'm sure the boys will like that!  Who doesn't like chocolate??! :-)

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