Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Recent happenings

Graham and Charlie have been wanting to sleep in our bedroom.  I have been quite against it but Bobby would then say "They won't be in our room forever."  Sure, uh huh... anyway, I have limited it to one boy once a week.  Well, last week Graham had a turn on Friday.  Not only if he take up some of my space by the time I walked into the bedroom but his stuffed animal has also taken up my pillow??!  Ha!
I'm making sourdough pancakes about once a day.  Bobby thinks I'm overdoing it.  I think "Pancake" is perhaps trying to tell me something?  This one looks like a person with a large forehead and a pointy nose!
I am definitely getting good at making these pancakes now.  The last 2 batches were nice and crunchy and fluffy! :-)
Although, I am down to 1/2 bag of flour left!  A friend ordered some flour online.  Hopefully she will be getting some during her curbside pickup on Thursday.  Although I started a virtual shopping cart too and will be picking up some groceries on the curb this Saturday (it takes a week to fulfill these orders!).  Hopefully we will get some flour either way!

Somehow our fancy hose erupted when I was trying to water the grass in the front yard.  The entire one side of my pants was completely soaked from the release of all the water under pressure! And the neighbor across the street was watering the front yard too and asked me if I was okay as he heard me let out a big "Ahhh!!!".  Too funny!
We have been doing quite a bit of take-out.  The last one was from one of our favorite restaurants that lasted 2 dinners and a lunch.  I guess that's a good bargain!  And look at the size of this pizza.  YIKES!  Definitely got our monies worth out of this pizza but then again, I think this one from the pizzeria down the street is a bit expensive.  Maybe not as good when it came to value per meal but this pizza lasted 1 dinner and 1 lunch for all four of us:
I've been going out and buying some more things through a local App.  Bobby is wondering what's next or actually I think he said "No more." I can't remember which one he said now :-P

Anyway, Graham needed the next violin size up and I found this online.  The A string is broken so I will need to try and put that back on.  Hopefully it won't be too difficult.  The video on the internet didn't make it look so difficult.  It has less parts that a ceiling fan, right?  I mean, c'mon... how technical can it really be??!
The lady that sold this to me said that she had bought it from a professional violin player in LA.  When I asked when that was, she said maybe about 15 years ago??!  The pegs were a bit stiff. Might have to look up online and see what I can do about that. Maybe some WD-40??! Or duct tape?  Ha ha!

Okay, actually it wasn't too far off.  Just saw a video on fixing tight violin pegs and the lady in the video used soap!  Looks like I have my work cut out for me here as I have to take all the pegs and strings off to do this.  Stay tuned to a future posting then.  I've already put in an order for a new set of violin strings :-D

And I am trying to grow some more vegetables.  None of our salad/veggies have sprouted yet.  I put a celery root in some water thinking it might sprout out some roots, but it's actually growing! Woah!
Maybe I should just keep this on the kitchen counter and see how far it goes? I still don't see any roots!  Maybe time to look this up on the internet.  Gosh, what would be do without the internet.

Seems that homeschooling is a bit more lenient this week.  Might be time to try and clean up the garage a bit this week/weekend.  Actually, I have yet to put up that IKEA shelf/closet that I had purchased a month ago.  If only there was another Spring Break coming up.  If anything, I have been able to sleep in just a few extra minutes because Charlie's video conferencing with his teacher have been moved from 9am to 10:30am.  I'll take any extra sleep I can! :-)

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