Friday, April 3, 2020

Graham and Charlie's recent activities

We've been trying to keep the boys busy... so here goes!

New color-by-number book, except it's math with addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.  So far, they have only gone through some addition and subtraction:
They have broken one of our garden staked solar lights by doing "Who can throw the bean bag the farthest" in the backyard:
By the way, I just had to look up the difference between "farthest" and "furthest". Although, just read some more on the internet and some are saying there is no difference between these 2 words??!

Anyway... back to the backyard!  I brought out our tent that we normally use on the beach:
Graham and Charlie played chess in there, for a little while at least:
Our pitching "square" that came with the baseball pitching tent tore off so I hung a tin can instead.  So much for practicing baseball pitching though.  The boys rather practice their aiming with their nerfguns!
I also found a whole bunch of tractors and garbage trucks and diggers from a box that was in the she-shed.   This was stuff that was packed up at the "Phoenix house".  Hmmm... only took me about 1.5 years to organize it.  Ha ha!
Speaking of organize, I also cleared up the ping pong table.  Should have taken a before photo!  It was piled up with garden tools mostly.  Glad I was able to put that all away into the shed now.  Graham and Charlie kept asking when the neighbor was going to give them their box of Legos.  Well, here it is! Although despite the enthusiasm, they didn't get very far with it:
In the meantime, I created a little thing using clothes pins to hang the boys' hats.  They haven't been using any sunscreen on their faces like they normally would at school.  Their freckles are starting to show!
After some time outside, it is back inside for snack and playing something else.  I had recently bought a new jigsaw puzzle mat, which came with a free puzzle. So here goes! Seems to be also the competition with the hats :-)
 Again, the boys didn't get very far.  Ha ha!
Next... Charlie somehow wanted to play with these set of straws and connectors.  Drinking plain water couldn't be more fun than this!
And finally, the trampoline.  Thank goodness for the trampoline!!!  Graham somehow has taught himself the somersault on the trampoline:
They keep tearing up the safety net though.  Maybe it is time to buy a new one:
We were saving a bit of money by not going out for dinner but now we have been doing a lot of take-out!  Support the local businesses as they say, but it's really bad for my waistline too!

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