Thursday, April 2, 2020


I've come to find out recently that fermented foods are actually good for you.  And funny enough, a good friend of mine started making her own sourdough bread.  She gave me a little bit of the starter yeast and so now, it's sort of like my new "pet" so to speak as every week or so, I need to "feed" it.  Yup, basically the same amount of water and flour ratio so the yeast doesn't die on me.  By the way, still thinking for a name for my new "pet" :-)

So here it is - doesn't look like much.  Just looks like regular dough after mixing more flour and water:
I put it over our electric fireplace. It's nice and warm on the top to help the dough rise:
See the bubbles...? It's ALIVE!!!
I attempted to make sourdough pancakes.  It was really thick!  So I realized that I didn't need to wait for the dough to rise to make the pancakes.  Rookie mistake!
It was a little bit undercooked in the middle so I had to put it back in the pan and cook it on really low heat.  In the end, it turned out really yummy and crunchy and best of all, Graham and Charlie LOVED it!

Speaking of love, my good friend also made some sourdough bread for us. She brought it over this morning.  Look how pretty this is!  I keep telling her she can sell these:
And she was telling me how we should freeze if we don't eat it in time, since there are no preservatives.  I don't think there will be an issue as this is what's left after brunch:
I'm guessing all the bread will be in our belly by the end of the day :-)

She also brought me some books to read. Yay!!!  I remembered seeing an entire shelf of novels. She is my personal library now that all the libraries are closed too.  Look, she even labeled the series for me so I know which book to read first:
I'm a happy camper!!! Might end up staying up even later reading in bed :-P
Thank goodness for a wonderful friend!!!

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