Friday, April 24, 2020

New Ikea closet

Here we go again!... another Ikea project.  I think this one might be my last.  Okay, never say never but at this point, I don't think we can fit anymore furniture anywhere in this house!

This closet had 2 long heavy boxes and I managed to open both of them up in our small bedroom.  And yes, this piece of furniture is going to be in our bedroom... somewhere:
I'm glad we didn't break any pieces of wood while trying to step around the bedroom:
What could possibly go wrong with these 2 monkeys??!
Phew... halfway there!
Somehow my "crew" have abandoned me.  What are they doing???
Looks like Graham and Charlie are more interested in the packaging and have made themselves a couple of shields.  What could possibly go wrong now!??  Although I was really concerned about them using up my duct tape.  Ha ha! Talk about how priorities have changed these days since I haven't had a chance to go to any home improvement store since the Safer at Home order!
Well, if anything else, the little closet is now done!  Perhaps it was easier without the boys. Ha ha!
This closet is a lot heavier than I had expected.  I was hoping to actually put it ON TOP of our dresser.  That might not be such a great idea now.  And obviously I don't want to find out IF the dresser can actually hold its weight!
I did eventually find a spot, which was basically next to my dresser.  And right now, it is a good spot for all my sewing stuff.  I'm sure soon enough it will fill up once I actually bother dressing up to go out.  It's just been leggings and shirt every day!
Although compared to Graham and Charlie, if they didn't have any video conferencing with their class, they would both be in their underwear all day long!  Especially today with the heatwave going through - it is currently 90F on the boys' side of the house!!!

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