Sunday, April 12, 2020

Garden update

Just a few things in the garden to update on.  The roses are all coming up nicely:
But on closer inspection, the rose bushes are struggling with all sorts of fungi like white powdery mildew: 
And brown/copper leaves due to black mold if I am not mistaken:
And also yellowing of the leaves.  Ahhhh...!!!
Supposedly a spraying of milk and water mixture will help or was it baking soda or baking powder with water and liquid soap? I will have to try this out next week and also prune out all the diseased parts.  Hopefully it won't look so bad when I am done!

In the meantime, we have some nice purple flowers growing. Can't remember the name of this one:
I have one flower on each of the tomato plant that was given to us by a friend:
I decided to plant our own little salad garden:
Still waiting for something to grow!
And how is it that plants are growing out of cracks within the concrete wall?!!
Amazing!  This one is rather cute... just wonder how long I should let it grow i.e. keep destroying the concrete :-\
And did I mention about the face we put on the tree yet?  Graham keeps saying that it give him the creeps! Ha ha! We haven't named him yet.  I keep thinking Fred somehow :-)
And lastly, my indoor plant is growing!  For some reason I thought the fern would just grow longer but seems that once you cut it, it doesn't.  Some new baby ferns are sprouting. I'm so happy!
The orchid is also growing a couple of new leaves.  Don't want to jinx anything yet but fingers crossed the leaves will turn out well and who knows I might actually see another orchid flower some day!  Some day!!!

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