Thursday, April 23, 2020

Graham lost a tooth!

This was totally unexpected!  At least to all of us, maybe not Graham.  Ha ha! Maybe he knew he had a loose tooth but never did convey that to any of us.  Almost reminds me when of he was a kid... how he didn't really moan about any pain and the tooth/teeth would just plop off. Glad that is still the case!

Here is it! Upper left canine:
Wow, I have a lot of lines on the palm of my hands!  Ha ha!

Okay, just looked it up online and looks like Graham is just on schedule!  We were all concerned that it was his adult tooth.  Based on the internet (who else these days!), a child will lose their canine teeth at 9-11 years old.

And guess what, the tooth fairy didn't forget!  Well, "she" sort of did but "he" reminded "her", if you know what I mean.  Ha ha!
Graham got $2 from the Tooth Fairy.  What's the going rate these days anyway?  Bobby said that the Tooth Fairy was very stingy.  And wow... this word "stingy" and the bee being "stingy" has the same spelling!!!  How is that possible? It doesn't even have the same sound.  Stingy (i.e. reluctant to part with money) should be spelled like "stingee" or something like that.  Like you know, the Bee Gees?Okay, that's my 2-cents' worth :-)

Wait... now I am wondering if a bee can actually be "stingy"???!

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