Sunday, June 6, 2021

Happy Birthday, Bobby!

Happy birthday to Bobby!  We celebrated his birthday last weekend.  Oh, what fun!

Graham couldn't wait to give Bobby his present the day before.  We're trying to be environmentally aware so we've just wrapped it in a grocery bag.  He he!

It's a mini tape gun!  Graham noticed that Daddy was using that at work, so he bought him a mini one for home.  Too funny :-)
Finally, on Bobby's birthday itself - we started off the day with a couple of presents in the morning.  The first one is a blanket.  It's actually for the car.  I can't seem to find the one that he used to have.  But this one is pretty sweet!
And here's the other surprise.  Again, we are definitely getting a little stingy with birthday wrapping paper.  Or perhaps it's "creative".  Ha ha!
Letting Bobby guess what this is:
It's an egg coddler!  I actually didn't know what it was either, until I saw it on a HGTV series late one night.  An English couple was using it with their family: 
Aren't they so cute!  And the pink one even matches my nails.  LOL!!!
I actually had to order these online all the way from England!  There were some antique ones online in the US but for about the same price. I could get brand new ones - so I decided to go with these. These patterns are so much cuter anyway and why not just get one for each of us :-)

But before Bobby and I get our eggs in the coddler, the boys want pancakes first.  Or... pancakes with their chocolate chips.  Seriously!
Okay... here goes.  Our first attempt with these egg coddlers.  Since it's our first try, we are only going to put one egg in each.  You butter the inside of the coddler first before cracking the egg in and I topped mine with some garlic salt.  Bobby topped his with some herbs de Provence and pepper:
And then, we closed up the lids slightly and dumped them in boiling water. So we're basically poaching the eggs but the only thing is we can't see how it's being cooked!  No wonder they invented those rings to poach eggs in water instead:
7 minutes later... ta da!  Slightly more done than I would have liked.  So looks like 6 minutes might be the magic number next time.  Although it probably took us a minute just to figure out how to grab the tops!  Although, I don't think they were as hot as we thought they were.  Mmmm.... looking pretty yummy:
Some leftover ham and a slice of toast with butter... YUM!
I'd say it's a pretty good start to Bobby's birthday.  We have a surprise in the afternoon for him.  So exciting! :-D

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