Friday, June 18, 2021

Archery ~ Charlie's turn

Unfortunately, after our little trip to the Botanical Gardens on Tuesday, Graham's allergies really kicked up! To a point that he even had a fever.  Poor fella!  So instead of saving the session for another week, Bobby and I decided that perhaps this would be a good chance for Charlie to give archery a try.  

Charlie was so excited when we told him.  And after a quick intro by one of the instructors, it didn't take Charlie too long to figure it out:

Here's a quick video.  Charlie almost takes more time to click his arrow on the string than to actually shoot it. Ha ha!
Almost bullseye by the 3rd round.  Woohoo...!!!
A little boo-boo tonight.  The instructor called it the archery "tattoo".  Basically what happened was the string scraped Charlie's arm after the arrow was released.  Ouch!
It's even more bruised the next day!
Despite the pain, Charlie was so super happy he got the chance to shoot archery.  I was thinking that perhaps he would struggle pulling the bow back, but he didn't have an issue at all!  By the end of the night, he wasn't even missing the target sheet. And on the drive home, he was suggesting that him and Graham would alternate every week for these lessons. Ha! 

By the way, look at this!  My dad just shared a newspaper article dated 1990 and there's a photo of him:
At this point, he was the Vice President of the Archery Club of my home-state.  Perhaps it's in the blood! :-)  I can't wait to watch archery with the boys during this year's Olympics, among other sports.  It's going to be a fun summer!

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