Monday, June 14, 2021


A friend of mine signed up her two boys for archery and I was got so excited because I wanted to sign Graham up for it too!  We were able to get private lessons so that would at least keep us safe during these Covid times. And since there were 3 of them learning, actually 4 (including my friend!), the rates for the lessons were quite manageable.

But first, need to get Graham's hair out of his face and eyes! He obviously did not like me tugging on his hair:

After a quick introduction to part of the bow and arrows, and some safety protocols, we are off!  
Okay, Graham didn't really get the bulls-eye.  He pulled out his arrow and stuck it in there.  Ha ha! But I did see that the arrow he pulled out was actually within the yellow circle.  Yay for Graham!

I actually decided to give archery a try too. I've always been interested as my dad did that when we were growing up in Malaysia.  But somehow, we never followed him to the archery range. Maybe because I was already focused on golf then.  I might have missed my calling. Look at my arrows just after my 3rd try!
So, okay... we were only shooting from 10 meters, but there's no sight on these recurve bows. It's just trying to aim with the point of the arrow. And it was pretty tricky trying to hold the bow steady!

Graham does look pretty good with a bow and arrow, and especially with his front hair tied up like that too :-)
Here's a quick video:
Graham's left arm is a bit hyper-extended so the arrow would snag on his arm a bit when released.  We'll have to figure out that arm guard a little bit better too.

I hope he learns to be precise, and also some patience, and perhaps even some breathing techniques while he does archery. We're letting him skip out on his violin/music for a little bit so needless to say, it was easy for him to say that he loved archery and gave it 10 out of 10 after his first lesson!

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