Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Reorganization ~ Part 2

I finally got the furniture straps so now it's time to secure Graham's metal filing cabinet and hutch.  Can't believe it took me 4 tries before finally finding a stud. Sheesh!  And that was even with the stud-finder.  The stud-finder is most definitely broken!  I finally just took to knocking the wall with my knuckles.  Another miss or two,... but hey, what's a few more holes in the wall.  Ha ha!  

Bobby said I'm "measuring once and drilling 3 times".  Ha!

Anyway, so glad this hutch is now secure, although I didn't quite exactly get the screw all the way against the wall (for the one to the right).  I'm almost stripping the screw/bolt so I'm not going to touch it anymore:
Not the prettiest looking from the ground up but safety first!  This thing is a beast and definitely don't want it tipping over during an earthquake!
And I think I figured out how to secure the hutch to the filing cabinet:
Although I couldn't get it to fit for one of them, so this will have to do:
I'm so glad I bought this (used) midsized step-ladder.  Much easier to carry it around the house instead of that big green one!
Phew! Hutch is secure! And boys can safely play around it.  I saved Graham's letter "G" from the old changing table:
After a few more minutes later...
Ha ha!  Graham originally wrote "get up Graham or Die", which I wasn't too keen on. So I made him take away the word "die" and he replaced it with "... or else". Much better :-)

As for Charlie, he wrote "Charlie loves his fam and his spam".  I had to laugh out loud when I saw this as we were just going to make spam for lunch.  I made us some spam musubi, although it didn't look as nice and neat as the ones sold in the stores/restaurants.  I'll have to eventually look it up to see how to shape ours more nicely! But basically, it's a layer of rice, then spam, and then sometimes egg in between as well, and then roll the Japanese seaweed sheet around it.  YUM! :-)

Anyway, I digress. So happy this re-org is done for now.  I hope I don't have to fix those holes above the hutch anytime soon!

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