Monday, May 3, 2021

Fully vaccinated!

Bobby and I are finally fully vaccinated!  We received our 2nd dose of Pfizer the weekend before last.  Thankfully the side effects were minimal.  We actually went swimming a few hours after. Not a bad way to spend an afternoon:

Maybe this is why Daddy ended up with a slight fever the next day??!
That or having to deal with Mommy wanting to go to this nursery near the pharmacy where we had taken our vaccination.  Looks at this massive electrical tower!
I could spend HOURS in this store!
Bobby and Graham actually stayed in the car while Charlie and I wandered around the nursery.  Look, something fun!  We are taking this one home :-)
And I also found some fun looking poppies for the butterflies:
Or perhaps the fever came from dancing around too much after the vaccination.  Bobby was doing his "Happy Dance" :-)
I'm just glad the boys were able to keep themselves (somewhat) occupied while they had to wait for us:
Bobby went into the supermarket/pharmacy first and then after I had my vaccination, I waited around the pharmacy for about 5-10 minutes and then spent the rest of the time picking up some snacks.  

Hopefully the vaccination will protect us from this virus!  Can't believe we are still battling it over a year later.  The school district is planning on getting the kids back to school in the Fall. I hope nothing back-fires this summer!

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