Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Trip to IKEA

We haven't been to IKEA is such a long time, but I figured it was time we got a new study chair for Charlie.  He had been sitting on this other chair from the front room that belongs to the desk there, and it just didn't seem he had enough height on it.

As usual, never a dull moment at IKEA!

So many chairs were unavailable!  I guess everyone's buying new study chairs lately for those classes at home.  We ended up with a blue one of course - Charlie's favorite color.

I didn't participate in putting the chair together. I hope these boys got it all right!
Looks like Graham and Charlie did good.  So far no injuries!  Although, Charlie is still slouching over his table.  Hmmm... perhaps I do need to get rid of that Lego bin that's by his feet:
It's Crazy Hair Day today for school!  Although Charlie said that no one else in his class had crazy hair this morning.  Perhaps I'm one of those few parents that actually read the emails from the school.  LOL!  
Charlie's hair is getting so long that it can barely stand straight up.  I'll have to buy some super-duper hair spray for the next Crazy Hair Day :-)

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