Sunday, March 7, 2021

Recent happenings

Let's see... where should we start?  How about a quick butterfly update.  Still waiting on 2 more chrysalis to hatch!  I do have a new exciting post about one other one - will write more about that later :-)  But check out how you can see those black lines inside the chrysalis. Those are the Monarch butterflies' wings.  I hope these will hatch soon. Such an amazing process!


Graham's entire class was watching the NASA's rover called Perseverance land on Mars on Feb 18.  So cool!  Or did it really just land on some rocky desert somewhere??! :-P

Charlie is still doing warm compresses on his right eye - trying to reduce the sty.  This has been going on since January??!
Can you believe it??? Tiger Woods had a terrible car accident not too far from us!  And I know exactly where that location is as I used to drive down that same hill every single day:
It's a good thing he is still alive as that car went through so much!  He hit a curb and rolled over a couple times. YIKES!!!  Bob and I are guessing he was probably texting while driving.  Now the evidence is leaning towards him falling asleep on the wheel?  We'll see what the cops come back with after reviewing the black box from the car.

In the meantime, 2 months later and Noodles the betta fish is still alive! He loves to sit on top of this leave when there's enough water in the tank, that is:
I brought the boys to a hobby shop last week.  They were both so happy being able to buy a new toy each with the money they had earned from mowing the yard and also from their Chinese New Year red packets:
After building his robot, Graham was actually quite upset and told me that he had regretted buying this toy. I'm glad he was thinking about his purchase so hopefully he will learn from it.  But Graham already spends so much time in the store thinking about what to buy.  How much longer will he take in the store next time??!
Charlie on the other hand was quick to buy a rubber-band wooden hand gun.  Ha!
We are probably still missing about 35 out of the 50 rubber bands.  No idea where they are but they better not jam up the mower or the weed whacker!

Mommy, on the other hand - saw this Speak and Spell and just had to get it! Totally brought back memories of when I was a kid growing up in Malaysia:
The boys haven't played with it much - maybe if I ban them from their computers, they just might play with it more??! At least Charlie is having fun when he did pick it up:
And speaking of Chinese New Year, I finally took down some of the red CNY decorations.  Well, this one didn't want to come off the window.  I had to take a sharp blade to it. I swear, never a dull moment in this house!
I finally made a big dish of lasagna last week.  Somehow I had not made it for a really long time because Charlie doesn't like pasta sauce.  But after a few recent discussion, he seems to be okay with lasagna sauce (but still not in his pasta).  I'm glad I still remembered the recipe and this one turned out fairly yummy :-)
And I think we are getting this picnic thing down to a science.  One more picnic last weekend - we were checking out how the parkour school was being run at a park. And unfortunately, we were just not too impressed with the Covid protocols so looks like we'll be looking for something else for the boys to do:
That's it for now!

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