Friday, March 19, 2021

More rocks :-)

I forgot to post about the rocks that we had collected a couple of weeks ago. Again, one man's trash is another one's treasure!

So the whole reason for getting more rocks was so that I could shift the river pebbles over just a bit to cover up the empty/shallow spots. I really didn't want to buy anymore. Rocks are not cheap when you have to buy so much of it! Plus, the thought of having to go drag them from the store to the car and into the garden... phew!!!

The rocks I picked up were a big bigger and more jagged:

I even laid out the rocks in a wavy pattern with the plants on the side of the house. It's amazing what some texture can do. It actually looks nice and even Bobby agrees!
There's still some rocks left and I was finally able to cover up a small area by the boys' trampoline. I have yet to fix the broken sprinkler so once that is done, I can "decorate" some of the hardscape there too. Exciting stuff. Haha!

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