Monday, March 15, 2021

"Mommy and her bricks!"

With all the rain that came down recently, the front yard is looking quite nice! I checked the rain gauge last night and it had 3" in it! 

I love how vibrant the flowers are when they are in full bloom:

Even the flowers in my cute Snail are looking great!  I wanted to get a few more plants in the backyard and ended up with even more flowers for the front.  Ha ha!  I just couldn't resist getting these poppies.  They are not quite in the same color scheme but... oh well :-D
I also bought these lovely purple flowers (daisies?) and these seem to grow really well.  Although our last ones - the white ones were doing well and then somehow died??!  Hopefully these will survive:
And yes... "Mommy and her bricks," as Charlie would say!  If it's not bricks, it's rocks. But these were free, so I just couldn't resist.  As the saying goes "One man's trash is another's treasure".  The lady I got these from were so happy to get rid of them!
This pathway in the front yard just wasn't doing it for me.  The upcycled shoes was a good idea but sometimes the soles just didn't sit properly in the ground.  Or, it would get buried under the soil.  Actually, one shoe went missing too!  I wonder which racoon has it in its nest.  Ha ha ha!!!
Hopefully these bricks will cover up the path a little bit better and hopefully less weeding as well.  That's the plan at least!  But first, trying to figure out what pattern to use.  Hmm....
I told Graham to make up his pattern as well for this larger area in the middle:
Well, I didn't use his pattern for the middle as I was worried about not having enough bricks.  I did recreate his pattern after this middle area and I think he was happy that I (at least) did that.  I had to really break my habit of being consistent so this was actually a hard thing for me to do! In the end, the consistency really didn't matter too much and looking at this photo, I actually do love the variety of block patterns:
Not too shabby for 2+ hours of work!  And as predicted, I woke up feeling sore in my arms and butt. Ha ha!
I'm glad I did this yesterday as, as the forecast was correct about the rain today!  The rain should compact the dirt nicely and I will eventually have to get some sand to layer the top so it's not too muddy.  I think it looks pretty good!  Super happy that the bricks were free too.  I actually texted the lady today again to see if she had anymore as I was thinking we could use these same bricks for our front stoop.  But she said none at this time, but maybe in a couple of months.  So perhaps another trip then but who knows what ideas I will have for our front stoop in the meantime.  As Bobby already knows, I'm constantly changing my mind :-D

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