Thursday, March 29, 2018

Random photos

These photos are definitely pretty random.  Let's start with a bunny cloud?!
Graham brings home some homework from school and he decides to draw his "Fluffy" on the back of one sheet.  Too cute!!!
I am roaming around San Pedro and come across a couple of antique stores.  Hmm.... fancy kids' potty back in the day??!
Bobby finally caved in and bought pork roll!  We actually bought it in Phoenix during one of our trips out there and brought it back to California.  Cheaper there :-)
Thumbs up from Graham and Charlie!  Once cooked, Charlie called them "clovers".  Who knew that it actually does look like a clover once fried up :-D
I recently started a self defense class called Krav Maga and I also tried out Kick Boxing.  Gosh... didn't take long for me to bust out the ice!  And 2 weeks later, my elbow still hurts too.  Grrrr....
Here's Charlie and Mommy enjoying some time in the hot tub.  My body really needed it!
Another random photo - Charlie's creation with two of my 1lb weights??!!  Pretty creative!
That's it for now! :-)

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