Saturday, March 10, 2018

Hair Donation

I was supposed to get my hair buzzed the weekend before last as I was going to talk about the charity Pantene Beautiful Lengths at Graham and Charlie's school.  But the once-a-month Flag Ceremony at school was postponed by a week but that actually worked out because then the boys and I were able to all get hair cuts back at the "Phoenix" house.  Here we go again (March 2) off to Phoenix.  The rain was suppose to have arrived by now but nothing yet.  Just lots of dark clouds:
It was pretty seeing the snow on top of the mountains:
Along with the clouds also came lots of traffic!  Even more so than the last time.  Normally it takes us about 7+ hours to get to Phoenix and this time, it took us over 9 hours! 3 hours of it was to just get about 70+ miles out and by 6 hours, we were only crossing the CA/AZ border.  Sheesh!!!  The boys were definitely tired:
Charlie looks so chubby here:
Next day, a quick hair-wash in the morning for Mommy to get ready for her buzz:
Charlie first for his hair cut.  I recently bought this new hair umbrella/cape.  Let's see how well it works:
Looks like it is catching most of the hair:
Graham next but he started to cry because there was hair in his eye (it was a slightly windy day). I kept telling him not to cry as the wet tears just makes clean-up even more difficult!!! I know, I am not being very sympathetic am I??!
While all this drama is going on, Daddy is finally baking his batch of cookies. This jar of cookie mix has already traveled to Arizona 2 other times so I am so happy to finally see it go into a mixing bowl!
While the cookies are baking... it is finally Mommy's turn! Did Daddy get some flour in Mommy's hair??? Why are there some white strands in the front bangs??! :-P
4 ponytails this time but it seems to be less thick than what I remember the last buzz to be:
2.5 years worth of hair... TADA!!!
The boys and Bobby are so supportive.  I am so lucky :-)
Charlie is helping Daddy out with the finishing touches.  I just nicked Graham earlier when I was trying to trim around his ear, so obviously this makes me a bit nervous :-|
 Matching buzz cuts!!! :-D
This is hair buzz #5 in the last 11 years - since my mom has passed away:
Well, the trip to Phoenix is never complete without s'mores:
It is a quick turnaround as usual.  Thankfully all is well at the Phoenix house.  On the way home, this little trailer catches my attention.  It is so cute! We should just dump the boys in one of these during our drives. HA HA!
Okay... here is a good guessing game.  Who ate which apple???!  Charlie didn't have one.
Meanwhile, it has been a week now since I have been showing up at Graham and Charlie's school with my new hairdo.  Some of the kids, especially the ones in Charlie's class were very shocked.  I was able to tell my story during Flag Ceremony this past Friday:
I didn't think I would get emotional but I did.  I was also nervous but thankfully was able to hold my tears back.  Phew!  Later that day, a mom gave me this really BIG hug commending me for the speech I had given.  I am so happy to be able to provide some support and comfort.  Hopefully the kids learned something new as well.

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