Friday, March 9, 2018

Random photos

These are definitely some random selection of photos.  First off, Graham lost another tooth!  I used to be so excited and now it is just another random event.  Ha ha!  He always wonders if the Tooth Fairy is going to give him a gold coin.  Well, the Tooth Fairy was "sick" the first night... or perhaps it was too windy for her to fly in.  Oops!!!  But thankfully she did remember the 2nd night.
Funny enough, a few days after that, Graham lost another tooth!  And this time the Tooth Fairy must have ran out of gold coins because she has up-ed her game to a $1 note :-)

Here are some of Charlie's collection of art work.  We have a Star Wars tablet that lights up and he can trace and color the pictures in.  Obviously, he has been very busy!  It is amazing how he can sit still for so long and do this and somehow not be able to sit still through an entire dinner??!!
Charlie also drew this picture for his friend Jasper, who still lives in Abu Dhabi.  Jasper won a tennis tournament recently and this picture was for him.  So sweet!  I love how Charlie wrote "Jasper, how did you win a trophy?"  LOL!!!
Some random trees when we were around the neighborhood where the Chinese school had the lion dance.  So pretty somehow with the clear blue sky in the backdrop.  And I don't think I have seen this type before:
And yes,... more palm trees.  I just can't believe how TALL these are!!!
More of Charlie's handiwork at home:
We visit a small make-shift museum by Manhattan beach while the actual building is being renovated.  As small as it was, it was really nice!
There is a real octopus in the tank:
And there is also a larger one that is being preserved in formaldehyde. Or was it a squid?? What't the difference anyway???  Okay, looking at a photo on the internet now.  Clearly different!  So it was a SQUID that was in the formaldehyde.  Hmm... wonder why I didn't take a photo of it!  Next time :-)

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