Monday, March 26, 2018

Graham and Charlie's first duo performance

Graham and Charlie's had their first Duo Comedy Skit at their school's Variety Show a couple of Fridays ago (March 16).  They were suppose to also perform on Thursday but we were way out by the airport and would have had to rush back to school.  I didn't want them to be all exhausted after golf and after emailing the organizer, I am glad we were able to opt out of Thursday's show.

The boys were so excited for their show.  I was a bit concerned as while we were waiting for their turn, Graham and Charlie were running around the playground.  I was so concerned that they would be tired and by then, perhaps forget their lines!  Thankfully all went well.  Phew!!!  We made Graham an "Applause" sign and we ordered a big hand-clapper for Charlie.  I think these props really did help with their skit :-)

The video is rather large to be posted here, so here is the YouTube link: 

Charlie actually forgot his last joke but thankfully we practiced for that too! So glad we had a great audience that night!
We did practice quite a few times, going through different jokes and finally settling with the 6 that you heard in the video. There was also dress rehearsal prior to the actual day/show and at first, I thought that maybe they would just dress up in their usual casual shirt and shorts.  But after seeing how lots of kids were dressed up, I figured I better up my game!
I managed to find a nice tie for Graham and a cute polka dot bow-tie for Charlie.  And of course, I had to get a hat too for Charlie - he definitely pulls off the look!  And Graham said he could go to "work like daddy" with a tie like that.  Ha ha!

Now that you have seen the actual performance, here is how we did at the dress rehearsal:
They were both so mellow here, especially Charlie, compared to how they practice at home!
As you can tell, we had lots of takes at home!!!  Maybe the success of this performance will be a start of something more??! LOL :-D

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