Friday, October 16, 2020

New telescope

The boys (including Bobby!) have been wanting a telescope for the longest time now.  I think it all started when we were staying at a rental property in San Francisco many years ago.  Probably 4 or 5 years ago now?!  We were still living in Abu Dhabi then. Can't believe we have been back in the US for pretty much 3 years now.  It will be 2 years in this house by this Halloween!

I'm not sure if Graham and Charlie are more excited about the big box that the telescope came in... or the actual telescope!

2 big boxes later... we finally find the telescope!
I had picked out a table-top one but Bobby wanted a telescope that looks like a telescope.  Hmm... well, this one looks like one for sure!  Although we've been kicking the tripod a lot as it obviously juts out.  Ha ha!
Checking out some cranes by the harbor:
Looks like Daddy is getting "schooled" by Graham.  Ha ha!
I'm a bit nervous when the boys use the telescope during the day as they are not suppose to aim it towards the sun.  Bobby is looking at the moon one morning:
The boys have been easily pointing the telescope at Mars, Saturn, and Jupiter with a fancy laser pointer/finder thingy that you attach to the telescope.  We are actually able to see the rings around Saturn and also the moons near Jupiter.  Pretty cool!  They have all also been able spot the International Space Station... which I have yet to find in the sky!  I'm not sure if they are just trying to trick me. Hmmm....

Obviously all this time at home have made us buy a lot of stuff!

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