Monday, October 5, 2020

New Jasmine plant

Ever since our trip to one particular library in the district probably a couple of years ago now, I've been reminiscing about how lovely the jasmines smelled in this little courtyard.  Well, I'm hoping to recreate it on our back patio!  And I figured the best place to do it would be around the downspout by our rain barrel. 

Charlie helped me put the new plant into a new pot:

Here's the post that needs repainting:
It obviously needs some new paint and protection!
I've been using a Christmas garland to hold up the water line/flexible pipe between the downspout and the rain barrel.  But I figured we can get rid of that now:
Maybe something like this using some garden wire???!
After a few minutes of contemplating, I decided to move the plant to the opposite side.  This way the plant doesn't get too much of that hot intense sun in the afternoon:
After observing the plant/pot the following few days, it doesn't seem to be getting any sun!  Well, let's just see how it goes for now as once it starts to grow and once I start to tie it around the post, it's going to be really difficult to undo it!  I can't wait for the flowers to grow.  We love the smell of Jasmines!

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