Monday, October 12, 2020

More organization

As usual, there are lots to organize around this house.  Our friend that had moved recently gave us a couple of dressers.  I can never seem to pass up on storage solutions somehow!  Well, I figured we could give Charlie the bigger/longer dresser as his clothes will get bigger soon enough and he will need more space to put his clothes.

I had to get this little shelving unit out of the way so we could put the one from Charlie's room in the space in the front living room.  Charlie has collected this buckets and will be using them for his music class.  Ha ha!

In the meantime, Graham and Charlie are slowly picking through all the things in the bin and putting them into the "Donate" pile or the "Keep" pile:
I keep forgetting to take the before photo.  We've already moved one shelf out of the way.  This other white one will be moved out too - into the garage:
There!  Much better!  Charlie has also labeled his drawers. I love the one he labeled as "Under Where" :-)
And this one for his "Special Things".  He has his new Doodle portfolio in there and also his shell collection.  So cute!
I can't believe I can actually walk from the front of the garage to the back of the garage without moving anything out of the way!  Can you tell how happy this makes me feel??? LOL!!!
The glass window from Bob's moms' old house is still in one piece!  I haven't figured out where to hang it yet.  Right now I've put it in my she-shed:
Here is the piece of furniture from Charlie's room.  This spot will have to do for it right now:
This is the other black dresser that was given to us:
I've moved it towards the front of the garage.  This wasn't suppose to be dropped off when our friend moved out of their rental but it is really coming in handy!
Look at all the stuff that I can put in the drawers!!!
And I found some leftover fabric that I had used to repair the matting around the trampoline.  I had just enough to cover up the top of the dresser and also protect the one side from the bicycle pedal.  A bit crude with the blue tape but hey, it works!
I think I have finally opened up every box in the garage.  That doesn't mean I have put away everything.  It just means I have seen everything in every box and phew, still so much to unpack and organize!  
Look at this box of kitchen stuff from our old Phoenix house!  Thank goodness the sugar was individually packed.  I can't imagine if there was a trail of ants to deal with in the garage!!!
I'm guessing we don't need anymore new water bottles either.  Ha ha!
The crew is coming in to install the new mini-split AC units this Thursday.  I will need to organize some more to get some furniture out of the way.  It will be especially interesting how I am going to do that in Graham room, as it is already tight to move around in his room.  Wish me luck!!!

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