Sunday, October 11, 2020

Another fun "Activity Box"

The concept of these "Activity boxes" are amazing!  Why didn't we think of these??!  I suppose I could reuse these boxes and come up with our own activities for the boys??? Hmm... maybe that's something to think about!  Can't be that difficult to put a box of something for each boy, is it???

Anyway, as usual - Graham and Charlie are super excited when they get to open their boxes.  Charlie has the "Doodle Box" and Graham has the "Tinker Box".  Graham's was building a "glowing pendulum":

Charlie couldn't wait to get started on his "Doodle portfolio":
It's definitely worth the time away from the computer screen!
Boys are so focused :-)
The boys are hiding out in our bedroom where it is dark:
Here's a better idea of what Graham's pendulum does (although the phone camera kept losing focus!):

I'm not sure if Graham read the explanation of the Chaos Theory as this is what the pendulum is based on.  Hmm... 

In the meantime, Charlie is still busy with his portfolio:

Ta da!!!  His new Doodle portfolio is looking awesome! 
I'm not sure if he drew anything to put in his portfolio yet, but he was so excited to have one.  He has put it in his dresser drawer labeled "Special things" (I'll post about that later). Too cute!!

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