Saturday, August 22, 2020

Surprise boxes

Bobby and I decided to get a subscription of these "surprise boxes" from an online company.  It was definitely a surprise for them as we did not tell them about it, so Graham and Charlie were super excited when these boxes arrived!

Charlie got a "Doodle" one - to create a Felt Succulent Garden:
Graham got a "Tinker" box - an Art Spinner:
These projects were so cool!  With Graham's, you had to drop ink onto the paper while the paper was spinning:
It's so neat watching all these colors:
Here's the video - you can obviously hear our excitement :-)
Ta da!!!
Charlie is halfway through his project here.  You can see his little snail in the left corner.  Too cute!
I wish they were always so patient with everything:
Complete!!!  It's now in Bobby's "office" as a little Zen Garden.  Ha ha!

Both boys are waiting patiently for their next box!  Although,we only subscribed for 3 months. Hopefully they won't ask for too many more after that.  By the way, school starts next week!  So technically, we should be busy with school work - 5th Grade and 3rd Grade. YIKES!!!

It will be an interesting school year to say the least with kids choosing Distance Learning, Independent Study, or Hybrid (2 days a wk at school and other times at home).  We're going with Distance Learning - fingers crossed, all goes well!

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