Saturday, August 15, 2020

Art project ~ "Stained glass"

 A friend of mine recommended an art link via Zoom a couple of weeks ago.  I decided to sign the boys up and then once I did, I realized that it was not at 11am but at 11am Eastern Time!!! I almost canceled the session as I haven't seen 8am in a long, long time. Ha ha!  I've been going to bed really late these days as I've been reading late into the night (and sometimes into the early morning).

It was actually a pretty chilly morning!  We are making "stained glass" with wax paper and colored tissue paper:

The session lasted about 45 minutes and the boys were quick to finish!  Graham made a heart and Charlie made a sunflower:
How is it that I took so long to make my butterfly???  Bobby actually called my arwork a Rorschach inkblot :-P

I haven't figured out where to hang these "stained glass" yet.  Maybe in the shed? Or in the boys' bathroom? There's actually a frame above the shower door.  Hmmm... that might be an idea :-)  I really should get my act together and start painting their bathroom.  Remember that double towel holder I wanted to install when my aunt and uncle were visiting from England? Well, the towel holder is still in the box, in the garage. And my aunt and uncle's visit was back during Thanksgiving of last year. LOL!!!

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