Saturday, August 29, 2020

Random recent happenings

Charlie has been quite the computer game addict.  Equipped with his blue-light blocking glasses, he's got his "game face" on playing his favorite "tank game":

A good friend brought over some homemade Kombucha.  Ps. Never shake the bottle (not even a little!) before opening.  Oops on getting the fizzy bubbles everywhere!  By the way, the cherry Kombucha was delish!
Another friend mentioned that there were mooncakes available at Costco.  Yummy!  Although just the mung bean paste one so far. This box had a mixture of flavors compared to the usual suspects of red bean or lotus paste.  Instead, there was pineapple and nut mixture??!  Never even heard of those flavors before so needless to say, I was a bit disappointed :-\ 
Charlie managed to build a super tall marble run.  Impressive!
And somehow, my orchid has lost all of its leaves??!  It was all nice and green and growing and then, all of a sudden, the leaves just fell off.  NOOOOoooo...!!!  Maybe it will just be easier to buy another orchid plant? Or just give up on orchids.  I haven't had much luck.  Orchids seem so finicky:
A lemon clock, anyone?  It was suppose to be a potato clock but the lemons worked too.  Pretty neat how this works!
Bobby sort of made a joke about how I should measure the zucchinis based on the length of my shin.  Well, here you go.  Ha ha!
We can't keep up with this zucchini plant!  I can only make so many loaves of zucchini bread.  Looks like its time to make some more:
And look, we have cucumbers now too!  
The cucumber vines are super huge too.  I will need to try and get creative on how to build some sort of trellis.  I do have some leftover wood scraps.  Hmmm....

Graham and Charlie haven't used the Outdoor Library or "Creative area" or... "Thinking Chair" very much.  But it's always such a cute sight when they do.  This was Graham drawing in his Inventor Book :-)
Until next time!

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