Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Ninja Line

We bought this Ninja Line probably not long after buying this house, probably over 1.5 years ago.  We wanted to set it up in the backyard but just didn't have any 2 trees sturdy, big, and tall enough to support the line. And we didn't want to put up poles in the yard as the might be an eye-sore.

But while I was out with the boys at a park a few weeks ago, I noticed a few trees that might be potential candidates. I think I was more excited than the boys! So we brought along the Ninja Line set on our next trip to the park:

I couldn't quite figure out this ratchet though:
Oh well, just glad the line didn't fail!  Graham was quick to get upside-down on the line:
Charlie struggled at first:
But then he eventually did manage!
Okay, time to set up some other "things". Yes, getting very technical here with the term of these "things" :-D
Graham and Charlie are definitely loving this Ninja Line:
Charlie is obviously very proud of himself:
Here's Graham in action on video.  At the end of it, he said he meant to do that.  Ha ha!
A couple of week later, we are back at the park with the Ninja Line.  I tried studying the manual on using the ratchet but it was confusing.  Thank goodness for online tutorial videos, so here goes! But first, boys wanted to bike as well so I'm just going to take it easy in the shade :-)
Oh, by the way - Graham got a new bike!  Well, not exactly new. Again, another find on the neighborhood App.  It is actually a girl's bike (based on design) but Graham did not mind it one bit.  He was just happy it was a bike with gears!  This photo below as taken about 2 weeks ago right after we picked up the new (used) bike. He is one happy camper:
Back to the Ninja Line, yes - Mommy figured out how to work the ratchet!  Charlie was a bit scared now because they were both a bit higher off the ground:
I tried to go upside-down too on the line, but failed miserably.  And of course, there were 2 ladies walking by just as I was attempting my feat.  We all obviously had a good laugh. So... I'm just going to lay on my mat, on the grass, and just enjoy the view of a perfect day:
Once the boys got tired, I decided to lower the line.  I saw a guy walking on one of these lines a week or two ago while I was driving home along the park.  This could end badly :-P
Well, thankfully there were no injuries to report.  Graham and Charlie definitely had fun with the lower Ninja Line too.  Ha ha!!!
I discovered that there is a whole culture with these Ninja Lines after watching some online videos - how they can bounce and jump off these lines.  It's amazing!!! Looks like Graham and Charlie have a long way to go.  LOL!!!
Well, if I ever get my heavy bum up and over/upside down like the boys, I'll be sure to let you know! :-P

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