Sunday, July 9, 2023

Misc photos

Just some random photos of recent happenings.  

So, I think the baby birds have finally left their nest.  Probably best to get rid of this nest and clean up the wall since it's covered with poop. Yuck!
And I can finally take those Christmas lights off too because we now have some other better outdoor lighting.

And then, I discovered a bee going into a tiny hole right near the garage entrance. What?!
I'm not sure what I'm going to do here yet - perhaps spray some bug spray up in the hole and then, close it up with some wood filler??

And we finally fixed the drip in our rain shower!  It's been dripping since Fall of last year:
All I needed to do was to change this cartridge in this faucet.  But we did decide to call a plumber and they up-charged the part by like 30%!  
Well, if anything, the leak is finally gone and we can finally remove the bucket that's been under that rain showerhead.  But now, my rain barrel is leaking so we have the bucket outside for that leak. Ha!

I think we found a new spot for dim sum!  If anything, Charlie is happy with their red bean paste-filled sesame balls and Graham loves their egg tarts:
Mommy goes to use to loo and comes back to 3 boys on their phones. Ha!
We've had some amazing sunsets lately, although it's probably due to the smoke that's been coming in from Canada.  It was so bad the other day that swim practice was canceled!
We've been obviously letting Graham and Charlie eat too much sweets:
But then again, Bobby orders fried pickles and look at the huge amount of it that got served!!
The chili at this restaurant we tried out was pretty good.  Supposed to have won some awards:
And I still can't quite get used to liking these Chicago deep-dish style pizzas:
By the way, I bought the boys a couple of Hello Kitty noodle bowls with chopsticks as a surprise gift after their musical camp performance. And I told Graham that he can only eat his peach ring gummies if he can pick them up with his new chopsticks ;-)
Another project to complete here - trying to put some UV film on the skylight.  Although, just noticed some paint crackling over in the corner. Doesn't that mean some leaking and/or moisture?! Urgh, something else to deal with!
After - although I was hoping we could still see through to the trees. But this will do for now. There's like 4 of these windows in the kitchen and 1 more in our bathroom!
The upper level/upstairs is feeling cooler already. Although perhaps I should check the insulation level in the attic before thinking about getting an attic fan installed. Or do both??!

I love how Graham has put away the recycling in the proper bin.  But it's sticking out so far, I can't close the kitchen cabinet. Can't win them all!
We finally got our little vacuum robot out of its box.  It only took about 1 year. LOL!
Last but not least, a couple of funny photos:
Graham and Charlie are constantly taking these funny photos with me, so now it's payback - but on Bobby though. It's no wonder the boys are constantly taking photos with filters. I couldn't stop laughing while taking this photo of Bobby:
Sorry, honey - laughing at your expense!  Never a dull moment :-D

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