Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Garden update

I don't remember seeing this flower last summer.  But it's so neat looking! It's called a Bee Balm:
And our corn is growing and almost actually up to a foot now compared to what you see below:
But look what happened today!!
Something had pulled my corn plant out of the ground.  Noooo...!!!  Grrr, looks like I will have to think of Plan B for this corn space OR put up some sort of fence.  

I've updated the little birdhouse area.  Still no occupants though:
I did buy a decorative downspout for one of the rain barrels.  Still not sure if I'm liking it!
And the blue tape is a temporary solution here.  I was watching the water drip during the rain and it was splashing all over the place!  So I'll need to make some adjustments here too as we don't want any water dripping down towards the foundation of the house.  I wonder if I actually installed those downspout diverters properly:
Okay, I "accidentally" left a potato in a kitchen drawer for waaaaay too long. LOL!!
A friend of mine told me to plant it.  Sooooo... here goes!
It's been over a week and nothing yet in the raised garden bed. I'm not sure if it will actually grow:
In the meantime, other flowers are blooming in the garden.  Lots of these white hydrangeas:
Daisies are always so pretty:
And I always love lilies and these actually bloomed right during my mom's anniversary last week:
So glad the previous owner planted lots of perennials!

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