Monday, February 14, 2022

Happy Chinese New Year

It's the Year of the Tiger!  I'm really not sure what that means exactly.  I suppose the horoscopes will tell you want you want to hear.  In any case, let's hope for a prosperous one!

And to start out Day 1 of 15, we always wear our Chinese New Year outfits:

I told them to give me "Kung Fu" poses :-)
"Gong Xi Fa Cai"!!
By the way, we now have 2 jars of kefir grains.  Charlie wanted his own too:
I love how they can make their own kefir smoothies - with some supervision:
Graham ended up spilling smoothie all over the blender a while back when he didn't tighten up the container properly.  What a mess!  Hence... "some supervision".

Okay, back to our Chinese New Year prep.  So far, our tradition would be to make dumplings for the 1st night of CNY:
The boys are definitely getting better at dumpling wrapping.  And Daddy is just super happy to be off the quarantine and spending time with all of us in the house. Yay!!
I hope these boys will continue some of these traditions when they are older:
I suppose it all depends on how badly they want homemade dumplings:
Nothing beats homemade!!
Happy Chinese New Year everyone! 
And oh, don't mind that mess by the bookshelf.  So much for cleaning up for Chinese New Year.  I should just put a blanket for that mess and hope it disappears. LOL!!!

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