Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Post-Christmas photos

Here are some photos from the day after Christmas.  Gosh, these kids have even more stuff now! 

The boys love Legos although Charlie was not as excited as Graham to build this crane.  I wonder if it had anything to do with the suggested age that was printed on the box.  I think it said 9 or 10 years old and perhaps Charlie didn't think he was capable enough as he wasn't old enough? It's funny how his interest dwindled a bit when he saw the suggested age:

On the other hand, he loves the Connect 4 game and is quite the master at it. I lost the first 2 games to him within minutes!
And even Daddy has lost plenty of times! It's funny when Bobby thinks that he has Charlie and the on the very next move, he gets beat by Charlie. Ha ha!
It's crazy what sort of Nintendo games these kids play these days.  Looks so complicated.  What happened to good old Galaga and Donkey Kong?
Graham is almost done with the crane!
Graham has moved all the Lego parts into the front room because we were all watching a movie in there.  Glad there were no emergencies during this time as this is the only way out the front door!
Here's my Groot planter.  I think he looks happy with his new set of "hair":
We are still trying to figure out more exercises with this bendy board :-)
Oh, so excited about this foot care kit and it actually does seem to work!  The gel socks feel a bit weird and squishy... and a tad tight because of my big feet.  But whatever is in that lotion seems to be doing the trick for my super dry cracked heels. I even put some on for Charlie's feet. His are just as bad as mine!
Yummy chocolate.... which unfortunately didn't last long.  I wish there was a magic chocolate bag that would just keep popping out chocolate truffles.  Wouldn't that be nice!
Graham and Charlie are still trying to figure out this computer turned board-game Minecraft.  They gave up pretty quickly as I don't think either one of them read any directions. Typical boys (and men!) :-P
For whatever reason I had been craving for Boston Market.  I think it was mostly because the turkey that we had for Christmas (part of the takeout) was not very good at all.  And come to find out, the one Boston Market nearest to us is only about 20-25 minutes away!  And Bobby was super impressed with all their Covid/sanitizing protocols.  That's a plus!
Trying to get the boys to be outside more and so "Santa" got this Spike Ball kit.  I guess I will need to try it out too. Maybe that will encourage the boys to play more outside: 
I have to say, I've been pretty lazy too. It's been difficult to get back into the whole exercise mode.  I do miss my walks with my friends along the beach and along the bay/cliff.  I suppose staying up late doesn't help.  But look at how cold it is outside... 49F!  Thankfully the temperature inside has been holding steady between the mid to high 60s.  We're definitely getting our monies worth from that new attic insulation!
Graham started on his wood-working build/project but has yet to finish it.  So far he has only been interested in the music box that plays "Little Bunny Foo-Foo".  Too cute!
Here's another project he has been working on for school - it's a paper mache of Smaug the dragon in The Hobbit.  Still needs some work.  Hmmm....
And here are the keychains we made from our Christmas stocking stuffer.  Love them! The fox face and the bear (to the left) are the boys' and since we had some leftover beads, I made the ones to the right.  I'm not sure what they are - a dog and a cat perhaps?!?
That's it for now!  Gosh, these kids are so spoiled with toys!  Okay, perhaps I am too with my stuff :-P

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