Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Recent happenings

I was looking for another coffee table for the room downstairs and came across this one at a thrift store.  Looks like it would be the perfect game table! 

Except it will need some work done on it - most likely some sanding and some spray paint.  Hope the boys are ready for it!

Oh look, something shiny in another part of the store! Hmmm, some glass tile for the kitchen wall/backsplash downstairs?? Still need to think about this one:
And oh, I picked up some coconut jam called "kaya" from the Malaysian restaurant.  YUMMM!!!
I haven't had Kaya in sooooo long!  And here's another local Malaysian dish called Nasi Lemak. It consists of rice, an egg, curried chicken, and deep fried anchovies. I haven't quite figured out the blue-colored rice as it's not a common thing for my home-state.  Either way, still yummy in my tummy :-D
Charlie had bought this LED string light quite a while ago, and I think this might be the spot to put it!
This thing is pretty sick, as the kids would say. Ha ha!
Here's a random beautiful sunset/night.  The lake is so pretty. I'm so glad we are near one:
Oh, remember that Kaya... so yummy on toast. That's how we would normally eat it:
Although, when you order it in the coffee shops in Malaysia, they toast thick white slabs of bread and then spread a thick layer of margarine and then a healthy smothering of Kaya.  Ooooh, SO GOOD! And I think Graham agrees too.  Looks like he has ditched his frozen waffle for breakfast. Ha ha!
I finally put up some hooks for all of our aprons:
Aren't these chair hooks the cutest?!
Another casualty from the move - my owl vase!! Boo hoo... :-(
Thank goodness for super-glue!  I hope it holds.  There are still some cracks here and there, but for the most part, it's looking pretty "whole":
I'm working on putting up some shelves in the garage.  I'll have to get some anchors in but looks like this might actually work! As long as you are under 6ft tall :-P
If only we had a 3-car garage!  Although, that may mean we will only store things that we don't need? This move has taken so long to settle in somehow.  We barely even have any photos on the walls yet. I still need to organize all of them! Someday!! 

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