Saturday, November 19, 2022

Getting ready for the snow

Snow??! Seriously!?  I didn't think it would show up so soon but yup, it has been forecasted for this past Tuesday. And sure enough, Mother Nature did not disappoint!  So I guess it was a good thing I had prepped the garage so Bobby can park his car in it:
Phew! So much to move around!!
I also covered up my potatoes, although I'm don't think they will survive:
I did managed to cut off all the tomatoes what were still on its vine. Still so many green ones!
Yup, this tomato plant is definitely done. It was limping on the plant support trellis:
If anything, the trellis is good for hanging wet gloves. LOL!!
Here's the forecast for this (past) week:
And actually, today is Saturday and that cloudy forecast turned into more snow!  If anything, I'm prepping for the cold indoors :-)
The boys are so excited about the snow though.  Charlie especially!
I'm not sure what Charlie wrote, but he was totally happy this morning for school:
Thankfully Graham and Charlie are still okay with the snow. I hope they realize there's more to come in January.  Let's see if they are still this excited then :-P
I, on the other hand, am not so happy about all this snow situation, especially when my poor red baby is still parked outside on the driveway!!
I actually have to use this brush. So glad we got an extra long/extendable one just the other day.  I think this is the very first time I had to clean my car!
When Bob and I first got married and lived in NJ, he used to heat up my car and scrape off all the ice and snow off my car.  Well, those were the days. LOL!!

Well, at least the tent and kayak rack are holding up nicely:
So glad Bobby was home early from work on Wednesday.  The mower have been parked on the other garage bay.  And now we are trying to get that mower up on this area - to the side of the garage. We're halfway successful. LOL!  At least Graham and Charlie are helping out as well:
Phew! That was quite the production! Now that the mower is out of the way, I just have to clear up this space for my truck.  Oh boy!
Okay, half of the boxes are in the house and the other half are stacked away in other areas of the garage. Look at all this space now! Ha! :-D
Yay!! My red baby is in the garage :-D
Talk about motivation to get the truck into the garage.  I didn't want it freezing into an ice box on the driveway outside with the below freezing temperature.  We did also use spigot covers.  I hope it's enough that the pipes don't freeze.  What crazy wintry weather!!  

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