Saturday, November 19, 2022

Fun with snow

I don't know how the boys do it, but it is freezing outside! But then again, it does look like a winter wonderland:
Charlie's trying to build a snowman:
Looks like he has figured out the "snowball" effect:
I'm not exactly sure what to call this... snowy leaf man??! 
Graham and Charlie also tried to build some sort of fort and made lots of snowballs:
I suppose it's just like playing with sand, except your hands are constantly wet and cold because you can never find those perfect waterproof gloves!
And on Friday, there was perhaps just enough snow for Charlie to go sledding:
I'm just glad I told him to wear his bicycle helmet.  Ha!
And then, Charlie would just lay there on the grass, playing with his stick.  Too funny!
Well, hopefully it will warm up a bit. Tonight's low is only going to be 11F, that's -11C.  That's insane! I didn't think it would ever get this cold in IL.  Maybe I should have thought about it some more before making this move. LOL!

Well, I guess I should get used to seeing snow going sideways too.  This seems to happen a lot here!
I suppose this is all good prep for what's to come later in January and February.  Wish us luck!! :-P

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