Sunday, November 8, 2020

Some landscaping

Remember those pile of tiles on the side of the house?  I was going to get rid of all of them.  I'm glad I didn't especially after the rain we just had!  

Here's the before:
And after!
I think it looks okay :-)  I grabbed a few succulents from the front yard and just placed them above the tiles.  I also somewhat methodically placed some other broken tiles the other way after seeing some landscaping ideas online. The boys and I were also able to collect a lot of free rocks a few weeks ago, so those came in handy too:
I hope the plants survive in this area as there is no sprinkler system here.  The rain this past weekend will help for sure.  As for finding the molting of this snake... I hope I don't see the real thing anytime soon!
That big rock was a beast!  But I think it looks good over here.  I'm glad I didn't pinch my finger too badly while putting it into place. 
We need some sort of solar lamp or lighting in this area.  That will be on my list eventually.  In the meantime, I'm just glad the soil did not spill over during the brief but heavy rain over the weekend! But still can't escape the mosquitos around here. Grrr...
This mosquito obviously had quite the meal from 3 different spots!  Still have to figure this mosquito situation out.  How many citronella plants do we really need???

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