Monday, November 2, 2020

Crane and cement mixer

 As per usual, I'm constantly looking for items on the neighborhood App.  And then, a couple of weeks ago, I saw the same crane that Graham had to give up when we were moving away from Abu Dhabi!  This family was also selling their son's cement mixer too.  Bonus for Graham!  He was so excited when he saw it:

It didn't take long for Graham to actually start mixing "cement":
And didn't take him long to actually start fixing all the cracks on our stoop onto the back garden area.  Look at all the dirt!
Here's a closer look at the "job site":
And there's this too.  The stoop obviously needs a lot of work!
And somehow he needed to use a water bottle too??!
Play time with the crane is less messy, thankfully:
I am eventually going to have to mix some real cement to fix up those steps in the garden and also our stone wall for the flower bed.  I've still been procrastinating as I also have to do some outdoor painting.  Good news is the weather/temperature is really nice these days! Yay for that :-)

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