Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Garden update

It's been a while since there's been a garden update, so here goes!  Although this first one is of the plant that I have hanging above the dining room table. First off, it is still hanging above the dining room table. Yay! Secondly, I've decided to switch it to succulents.  Somehow the ivy that I had growing there is dying :-( but the succulents look pretty good.  At least I think so :-)

I think this might be our last zucchini of the season - not as big as the first few ones, but enough to make some zucchini and apple muffins today :-D
Here's what's left of the zucchini plant - lots of dead brown leaves! There are still flowers growing but so far, only 2 tiny baby zucchinis:
There's the hummingbird!  There's actually 2 of them but they have yet to take any nectar from the lantana plant that I have in my hanging basket.  And oh, my other plant that was in the hanging basket - the fuchsias, died. Urgh!
At least the flowers in Mr. Snail is coming back.  Yay!!!
But the cucumber and basil are looking like their season is over too:
We got one last cucumber, although our pepper plant is doing well.  You win some, you lose some:
And somehow, the red potato started sprouting? I wonder if there are actually potatoes growing because my last batch yielded nothing despite having these green stalks growing!
And oh, the organic ginger is finally starting to sprout!  And what's funny is, the day I found this out was also the day my good friend Linda gave me an entire planter of mature ginger plants.  Ha!!!
The celery is growing really well.  I've yet to actually taste it but will probably be soon as I still have lots of humus in the fridge.  Good for an afternoon snack!
I recently bought more veggies for our Fall gardening - kale, broccoli, cauliflower:
Each veggie came in a set of 6, so I had plenty to spread around the garden.  And oh, also bought an eggplant plant.  I did get rid of the cucumber plant so it looks much neater now compared to what you see in this photo:
Look how vibrant these flowers are!  I hope they continue spreading around the flower bed some more.  I keep moving the mulch and weed tarp away so it can continue to grow:
And somehow, we still have tomatoes! I thought the tomato season was over???
I'll tell you about the caterpillar that we found on this tomato plant at a later time :-)

We needed a good sunny spot to put some more of the new veggies, so I decided to built a simple raised bed.  But first, we needed to clear up all the dead leaves in the area.  That's where Charlie comes in:
Omg, it took Charlie forever to pick up those leaves as he would also complain about how they would crumple in his hands. Don't let that smile fool you... he only cleared up what he needed to and dashed off! Little stinker:
Next, time to cut up some pieces of wood (leftover from our old fence) to size.  Graham helped with this although I couldn't take a photo of him doing it as I was also holding the hand-saw.  But here's our work "table":
Ta da!!! Not too shabby! :-)
It was tricky nailing and screwing the pieces together but Graham was a great helper:
I think it looks pretty good :-)
And oh, also have put some organic garlic in the raised bed and also in a couple of other bags.  Hopefully we'll have garlic in about 8-9 months??!  

Hopefully we'll get some veggies before something eats all of it up??!!! 
Urgh... so difficult to win this battle.  How do the farmers do it??! No wonder organic veggies in the supermarket is so expensive!

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