Monday, November 2, 2020

Happy Halloween

I just realized that I had a whole bunch of postings that I didn't write out in time for October.  It's already November!!!

Here are some things that we did before Halloween itself.  This year we only carved a couple of little baby pumpkins.  I let Graham do his own carving this year.  I'm so afraid of those carving knives I had him wear gloves:

Graham even gave his pumpkin a little nose :-)
We also bought a cookie kit from a local restaurant.  The boys really enjoyed doing this:
Here is my cat.  Yummy!
Bobby had a good time too decorating his cookie.  We gave him the biggest cookie - a pumpkin:
Speaking of pumpkin, I had another art project with Graham's class - Pumpkin Symmetry.  This white board is getting some good use:
Smoky last week - effects from a fire in Irvine 6 days ago.  More than 90,000 people had to evacuate.  Yikes!!!
This year for Halloween we went for a drive-by at school.  The line to school was so long! Glad lots of parents/students participated:
Look at the smog/smoke though in the photo above in downtown LA.  YIKES!

Here's the view on the way down the hill to the school's district office.  We were on our way to pick up a swag bag for donating to the Skecher's Walk.  The marine layer has already rolled in at 1:30pm:
The lady at the district office was so nice - we got 2 swag bags instead of just the one, as well as extra t-shirts!  I guess there were so many bags and shirts leftover.

We decorated our minivan too for the drive by.  I'll have to do a better job with that blue tape next time.  The car is suppose to be a cat :-) Charlie is an astronaut (that was Graham's costume from last year) and Graham bought a new Ironman hoodie:
Over the weekend for Halloween itself, we went over to a friend's house. No passing out candy this year or trick-or-treating around the neighborhood.   This family is the only family right now within our Covid "bubble" so to speak.  We've been really lucky to have them as they also have a pool!  The mom was very creative in getting the kids to find their candy - hiding them in bushes and around the pool, and also fishing the candy out of the pool! :-D
And as it got dark, the dad dumped a whole bunch of dry-ice into the pool.  So super cool!!!
Needless to say, the boys had a really good time!!!  

There's already lots of Christmas stuff that's out in the stores.  Seems like Thanksgiving will again be another afterthought this year.  Maybe we should just set up our Christmas tree now??! Although, I just moved the exercise bike into the corner where my TV-watching chair is. And my TV-watching chair is in the corner where the Christmas tree would be.  Hmm... so, would it be exercise bike in the garage or the TV-watching chair???! Oh boy... a tough choice to make! :-P

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