Sunday, November 8, 2020

Random photos

 Just a few things happenin' around the house lately, although I think these were mostly taken in October. Yeah... still playing catch up on my postings!

We recently discovered how to make these super crunchy taco shells.  I think I saw it on TV.  So simple and easy!  

Pour some oil on the tortilla shell, put some cheese on top, and then put it in the oven for... hmm... 8-1 10 minutes in a preheated oven at 400F (or was it 425F).  Yuuummmmm...!
I was actually surprised when Bobby decided to trim some of the new leaves coming up from the tree in the very front.  They block some of our view when we back out from the driveway.  Brownie points for Bobby :-)
Graham is building his new project from his new "crate" that we've renewed (it comes once a month):
It's a ukulele!  He hasn't quite taken into it very much though :-\
Here is Charlie taking a selfie.  He looks a little chubby here somehow.  Ha ha!
And he's looking awfully sleeping and tired here.  Ha ha!
Oh, here's another one of Graham's handiwork with his cement truck.  "Aiyo...!", as I would say in Chinese!
Our Zebra snail looks like he is trying to escape again!  He gets so close to the top of the rim sometimes:
We went to pick up more firewood from this lovely old lady not too far away.  See, it's a good thing we still have our minivan:
And good to have the kids for the heavy lifting :-)
Ahhh... nice lovely fire the next day.  The only time we really have it is when the boys say they want s'mores:
It's like 10-15 degrees cooler since that day!  And the wind is blustering today too.  I guess perhaps I should have taken advantage of the hammock more:
I was going to say that Charlie will probably miss watermelon in this cooler weather, but I think you can find it in the supermarket anytime of the year these days?!  He ate the entire baby watermelon in one afternoon!
I saw this painting at a GoodWill store last week while I was looking for an empty picture frame that will go in our bathroom.  I keep thinking about it now.  I knew I should have just bought it!
Snuggle time!  This is Bobby's favorite part of the night.  I wonder at what point will the boys be too big for this?  Hope Graham and Charlie don't grow up too fast:
More random updates to come! :-D

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