Saturday, August 31, 2019

Garage organization

So we are back to organizing the garage!  A couple of weeks ago I saw a post on an app advertising a couple of cabinets.  I figured it would be a good spot in the garage to organize more of our "junk".  And look, I opened up a box and discovered that something was still wrapped up in a moving blanket!
I had to move a few things out so I could get the cabinets into the garage:
Yup, so much stuff out of the way first!
And here they are! The lady that was selling it advertised them as "Danish cabinets" but I found a label that said they were made in Yugoslavia??!
Well, I was able to unload 3 boxes and put almost all of the things away in some sort of spot. LOL!!!
And then, there were these to put away.  It was "almost" like Christmas.  Ha ha!
Funny how my new tool cabinet (which was purchased last year!) fit perfectly in this built-in stove in the shed:
And someone else was conveniently fast asleep on the hammock:
And it didn't take long for the boys to find their tablets either:
I did find our old golfer-windmill in one of the boxes.  Poor thing looks totally worn out!
I had some spray paint and also some marker pens...
Still squeaky but at least it looks a lot brighter! :-D
The deal was to try and open up and organize every box in the garage by the end of the boys' school summer holiday.  But now that school has started again, I guess maybe the new target deadline will be Christmas holidays??!  Only time will tell I guess.  Christmas is only 4 months away!!!

In the meantime, I did get a little bit of mulching done.  Here's the before:
And after:
I was able to hide the new sprinkler lines too!

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