Friday, August 9, 2019

Whimsical bottles

During the Puncher's visit here last week, there was a purchase of some Italian beer in some green bottles.  I was going to actually recycle these bottles at first but then decided they actually looked quite pretty!  So I soaked them to get the labels off and we painted them:
From right to left - the bottles say: Butterflies, Garden, Music, Love, Family, and as for the last one, Graham didn't want to draw anything so he wrote a secret message:
... in secret ink no less.  Not sure if that ink might eventually fade in the sun.  Guess we will find out whenever we decide to open it up!  By the way, if you're wondering - Graham has to wear an eye-patch for an hour or so every day.  This helps his left eye work a little harder and also to improve his depth perception.  Don't think he will ever be a pilot but you just never know ;-)  

Back to the beer bottles... I found some old wine corks to close up the bottles and since I couldn't find my ball of twine, I found some vines by the side of the house.  It was the same vine that I had used to make the wreath for the front door.  And while in the process of doing so, I managed to cut myself with my clippers!  I just barely swiped my arm with the tip of the clippers:
As if I am not getting enough scars from gardening.  Here are some other scars/scratches on my right arm that I had managed to get while removing some weeds and vine in the front side of the house:
Maybe I just need to start working on the yard with long sleeve gloves instead!

I hope these bottles look more whimsical than trashy.  Ha ha!  I pulled on the vines once the bottles were on the tree and 2 of them snapped.  I didn't find enough vine yet for the last 2 bottles so I left them on the ground for now.  I don't think they look so bad and so far, Bobby hasn't said anything yet.  Maybe he didn't even notice them!
Slowly but surely we are putting our personal touches to the house :-D

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