Sunday, August 25, 2019

Graham lost a tooth today

We just came back from New Jersey last night and since Graham and Charlie didn't brush their teeth last night (boys went to bed past midnight Eastern time!), I decided to just floss and brush their teeth this morning.  I mean, what damage can 3 cups of apple juice during the flight really do??!  Although the flight attendant told me I should be so proud of them when the boys ordered their own juice while I was using the bathroom.  Ha!

Anyway, while I was brushing Graham's teeth, one of his tooth popped out!

It is the Upper right Canine (cuspid), which on this diagram that I found says it should only shed at age 10-12.  Looks like it's out early!  Or... maybe it was bad and popped out.  Who knows! I don't think the boys brush their teeth very well, especially Charlie.  It sounded like he was going through some sort of torture machine when I was brushing his teeth.  Looks like I will have to take over and brush their teeth again every night.  It was nice not having to do it but I'm not exactly sure how much our next dental bill will be at this point!

I hope the tooth fairy remembers about that loose tooth tonight :-D

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