Sunday, August 25, 2019

LA Zoo

I didn't get a chance to post about our trip to the LA Zoo a couple of weekends ago.  Bobby and I figured that since it is almost the end of the summer holidays, it is probably the best chance of using our family membership before it expires in December.  It almost seems like quite the chore to drive into downtown LA.  The traffic is just so terrible even on the weekends!

We didn't use our free tickets yet for the Zoo Rides so today was the perfect chance.  Plus, we only arrived at the zoo around 2:30pm so there wasn't a lot of time to actually walk around. It's a big zoo!
Daddy being silly with his reading glasses:
Graham snuggling with Momma:
 The boys insisted on bringing their little umbrellas from the last zoo visit.  I guess at least we are getting our monies worth out of it:
We got to see the Orang Utans today.  And I am trying to teach Charlie the words "Selamat Datang", which means "Welcome" in the Malay language:
Somehow, both boys were up against the glass when a gorilla came by and sat next to the glass.  Everyone was trying to take a photo and the boys didn't budge at all. LOL!!!
After it cleared out a bit, I was finally able to take a photo of Graham and Charlie. They did hog that space a bit long :-P
We finally bought some popcorn and Daddy was showing his "lizard tongue" skills....
Looks like the skill is catching on!!!
Zoo closes at 5pm and so we head home not too long after the quick visit.  I am really surprised how it doesn't stay open for longer in the summer time.  Oh well, nonetheless it is always a fun one for Graham and Charlie!

By the way, we spotted this lady pushing a "triple" stroller on the way out.  Talk about a work-out!
And I can't imagine having multiples of Graham and Charlie.  YIKES!!!

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