Friday, August 17, 2018

Detached retina??!!

Wow... what a weird thing to happen!  I had been seeing flashes of light a couple of days last week and obviously not thinking too much of it.  Then, last Thursday as we are flying into New Jersey - my eye got worse.  I am seeing more floaters in my right eye. By the time we land, it is quite uncomfortable as I normally travel with my contact lenses on. So I immediately change out to my glasses once we get back to my in-laws.  Wearing glasses is not making much of a difference as I am still seeing those floaters!

The next day, I decided to send a text message to my friend/eye doctor back in California.  A couple of hours later, she calls me back on my phone to ask me a few more questions. Then she mentions the words "medical emergency".  What??!!  "Possibly a detached retina," she says.  No way!!!  Of course, it is a Friday afternoon and we call our insurance company to find an ophthalmologist that can take us in. Thankfully we can see one by around 2:30pm.
This doc mentions that the vitreous has collapsed - which means this gel-like material (prounounced VIT-ree-us) has filled the inside of my eye and/or collected underneath the retina.

The doctor couldn't really see an actual tear in the retina but refers me to a retina specialist not too far down the road.  By now it is almost 5pm by the time we see the 2nd doctor. And after more prodding and more intense light into my eye, there is actually a tear in my retina and we are off for laser treatment that same day!
Obviously we had a lot of waiting time to take photos.  Ha ha!  Bobby actually did stay in the room during the treatment.  The doc turned off the lights and in this complete darkness, all I could see was this green laser light.  And despite numbing drops, I could feel this sort-of burning sensation at the back of my eye too!  The entire procedure probably took about 5-10 minutes with lots of intermittent laser pulses into my eye, which was controlled by a foot pedal.  Bobby said the doc put on this pair of goggles and this was also where the laser came out from. What amazing technology! We have yet to find out how much this amazing technology is going to cost??!!

Once done, I walked out with no eye-drops, no pain relievers, and given the okay to fly home next week.  Wow!!!

One week later and my eye is still slightly hazy and I am still seeing floaters, but no flashes of light.  I guess that's an improvement? It was a good thing my friend/eye doctor told me this was a medical emergency because if left untreated, the retina could completely detach and it would take a lot more to repair it. My follow-up is early next month with another ophthalmologist that was recommended by the 2nd doctor - his mentor.  Only time will tell what will happen/how my eye will heal. Maybe my putting will be better???!  :-D

I can't thank Bobby's family enough for looking after the kids while we were away at the doctors.  In a way, it sort of worked out really well being in New Jersey!  Funny enough, by the time we were done with the doctors, Bobby and I were able to go out for an impromptu date night in Millburn :-)

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