Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Date night

Last Friday was our first date night in California!!!  A friend of mine offered to host a playdate for the boys with her kids - a boy aged 7 and a girl aged 9.  Graham and Charlie couldn't be happier with Legos and video games!
As for date night, I suggested to Bobby that we just have a little picnic on the beach.  Tuna poke (pronounced 'po-kee') for dinner.  YUM!!!  I only started eating this here in California - sort of almost like a must-do like eating dates in Abu Dhabi :-D
I pick them up freshly made at the local supermarket. It has rice underneath, topped with lettuce, avocadoes, sesame seeds, and I'm not sure what other sauces.  I'm glad Bobby likes it too!
We stay on the beach until about sunset and then it is time to pick up the kids.
This place is just gorgeous:
Here's to more date nights!!! :-)

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