Saturday, January 28, 2023

Lamp shade repair project

There were multiple unfortunate incidents from our move, including this one - a lamp shade. I guess I didn't think to actually protect it more during the move (this was actually another purchase from a charity store). Anyhow, there are some cracks on it and it's quite obvious! :-(

Weirdly enough, I had been saving a strip of some leftover window privacy screen from the boys' bathroom.  Bobby would technically call it "hoarding", but if I can use it/repurpose it - then it doesn't count as hoarding, does it?? :-P

I cut up whatever flowers and leaves I could salvage from it:
And made up some other flowers and also a hummingbird with leftover scraps:
I think it turned out really well:
Speaking of hummingbirds, our new owner at our old home in CA sent me a photo.  One of the hummingbirds have built a nest right in a hanging light fixture!!
Isn't that so cute! I guess the hummingbirds are feeling comfortable with the new owners.  Makes me so happy :-)

This lamp shade looks better than I had expected! :-)
You can still see the cracks and tears up-close but I think it looks a lot better than what it was before:
I had put the lamp downstairs for Bobby to use, but I think it is too cold downstairs.  The glue started to come off and so I had to re-spray some more adhesive on it. Hopefully the privacy screen will stick better now. And perhaps I will leave the lamp + lamp shade upstairs for all of us to enjoy instead :-)

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