Saturday, January 14, 2023

Family time in NJ (Dec 27~28)

Before family time though, Bobby and I were able to head out for a date.  He is finally taking me to watch The Nutcracker! 
It was a great little theatre in Morristown, with the orchestra pit down below in the front. Although the vents on the ceiling were quite unsightly.  It's too bad they didn't do anything about that.
The ballet was beautiful!  So glad Bobby enjoyed it too  :-)

We then headed over to Bobby's brother's place for dinner.  So glad they were able to delay the Christmas dinner for us.  Graham and Charlie were already getting acquainted with their cousins when we arrived:
... while the rest of us hung out in the kitchen around the appertizers:
Merry Christmas!  
I did bring some Christmas crackers for the dinner.  It's too bad the little trinkets and jokes in it were duplicated!

After opening some Christmas presents, we headed outside to light some sparklers:
Graham and Charlie really enjoyed that.  I didn't realize there were sparkles this long!
One quick photo with the cousins:
Graham and Charlie used to hang out with Madison so much when they were younger.  But now, they were more than happy to hang out with the older boys - playing cards and video games!

The following day, we went out to get a late snack and coffeee/tea in Montclair.  The crepes at the restaurant were not too great, but I found out there was a French bakery near by. So I sent Graham and Charlie and Bobby to get some of these.  Yummm!!!
While at Grandma and Pop-pop's, I also had everyone participate in a quick facial with some cleansing masks:
We all had a good laugh!
Graham wasn't too enthusiastic but he participated nonetheless :-D
Thank you Grandma and Pop-pop for playing along too!
This is what happens when you run out of ideas for those Christmas stocking. LOL!
It's been so great to be able to see family again.  I guess perhaps this move to IL was a good one :-)

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